As a young child who was raised in orphanages, I had zero knowledge of what a husband, wife, mother, father or a family was. I did have a twin brother, but we were always separated, making it difficult to build even a relationship with him.
I met Nancy in 1958 and we were married in 1959. Unfortunately, with my lack of understanding God’s design for marriage, I didn’t have a clue on how to care for her heart (spirit). 13 years into our marriage, Nancy was done with me due to my controlling nature. God woke me up and motivated me to find His answers. He helped me to see through His Word (1 Peter 3:7) that I was to live with my wife in an understanding way.
We have 3 daughters, Denise, Kristy, and Sarah. My goal was and is to become an illustration of Ephesians 5:25-27, allowing my every encounter with Nancy to be like an encounter with the Christ to her. This led us to begin our ministry together in the 1970’s.
We’re so blessed to watch God use what He showed me to bless others and watch their success as well.

I was raised in a Christian home, but my dad was abusive. I watched him daily harm my mom’s (and my sister & I’s) spirit. I learned at an early age to withdraw emotionally & ignore my feelings.
When I was 16, I met Denise, Ken Nair’s daughter. I watched her family do things differently than I had ever seen before. They had “family meetings” which involved talking about their feelings & caring for their spirit.
I began learning Christ Quest Ministries principles as a teenager, but it was only in my head. Denise & I were married in our 20’s. I continued “showing up” at the classes, but she knew it was all in my head, not my heart. I had bottled up emotions which included “quiet” anger & was unattached emotionally, just going through the motions.
We have 3 children, Nicole, Katelyn, & Derek whom we homeschooled. God used some life situations and an eye-opening moment to finally lead me to owning my own Christlikeness journey.
Denise & I have counselled marriages for over 10 years. Recently I joined CQM’s staff as the CQI Director. Watching & encouraging men to find their own journey has been such a blessing!

I was born into a family with a caring, devoted father, I was surprised after I married Ken. I had no idea that his upbringing, which involved his being raised in orphanages would look very different from what I had imagined life as his wife to be.
Like most men, once we got married, our relationship changed. We had many struggles, but I realized soon after having children that I could not go on doing things the same way. Long story short, God convicted Ken of his failures which led him to discover a journey of becoming Christ-like in a way that he had never known before, which included learning to care for my spirit.
It was a slow journey, but we both worked hard at becoming who God wanted us to be. Eventually, in the 1970’s, we started our ministry where we were able to share the principles that we learned. It has been a joy for me to support women as their husbands learn to also care for their spirit as they become Christlike in a way they have never known before.
*Please fill out the intake form and read the Discovering the Mind of a Woman before your appointment.
*Please fill out the intake form and read the Discovering the Mind of a Woman before your appointment.
This IS the type of discipleship that utilizes your every-day life’s situations, circumstances and events showing each man, single or married, specifically what God, through the Bible, wants him to learn. The goal is that each student literally illustrate the Christ. Based on personal experiences (used as learning opportunities) there will be opportunities to actually measure your spiritual growth during our counseling sessions.
The purpose of Christ Quest Ministries does not include counselling on marriages; it offers discipleship towards building a man’s understanding of what an on-going commitment to Christ-likeness is. Marriages are God’s perfect “vehicle” for fulfilling a man’s quest to exemplify the Christ. Especially regarding his wife, since she knows him better than anyone else in the world. If she says, “An encounter with my husband is to me, as though it is an encounter with the Christ,” he has passed the most demanding test.
He is supposed to be the spiritual leader for all of his children and future generations. We are training men, husbands, how to be a walking-talking, moment-by-moment, situation-by-situation, living illustration of Jesus, the Christ. When that is true, that Christ-like testimony, with his wife will carry into future generations.
Nontraditional women’s counseling is available. It provides a place for women to recognize who God has designed them to be, often contrary to who men have decided they should be. Those biblical principles will offer a unique form of understanding which also provides support during difficult times.
This counsel helps a wife recognize their God given purpose, according to Scripture so they can compare their situation with what God wants their situation to be.
Christ Quest Ministries is committed to teaching a man how to welcome Christ into his home and marriage. Our Discovery Seminar is designed to help men rediscover and understand Christ’s role in his home and marriage. Our follow-up course, the Christ Quest Institute, is an intensive college level course focused on demonstrating the principles of Christ-likeness in your everyday life.
Since 1983, Christ Quest Ministries has been helping men of all ages recognize and appreciate Christ’s place in their life and to illustrate His love. Our discipleship sessions are offered as a way to walk alongside men as they navigate through all of life’s encounters. It’s never too late to start living your life for Christ.
Our founder Ken Nair literally wrote the books on this: his titles, based on the teachings found in Christ Quest Ministries, offer you insight into yourself, your spouse, and most importantly, your duty to Christ. Get your copies of these amazing resources and begin turning every aspect of your life into a celebration of Christ.