We Need Your Help

Join Christ Quest Ministries in our mission to promote the health of families in a culture where divorce, and thus single-parenting, is destroying families and the foundation of our nation’s future. With your help we can continue teaching God’s ways for resolving relationship problems, therefore eliminating the need for divorce. Our main goal is to teach God’s principles to men and as they incorporate them into their lives; they too will become living examples, bringing hope through their testimonies, to other married couples.

Imagine a marriage that actually looked the way God designed them to be.

Your tax-donation will fund a program that does just that. This unique program walks men through how to be a strong leader yet have a gentle, caring heart. He will learn the difference between knowing about God and knowing God’s Spirit; drawing him into a personal relationship with God that will filter into relationships in his life including his wife, children, family members, friends, and even co-workers.

People are tired of insincere and irresponsible religion. We’ve heard the term “being spiritual” or “being the spiritual leader of the home.” Over the past 46 years, Christ Quest Ministries has reached over 25,000 men. Most have never heard of what God actually meant when He asks a man to be a “spiritual leader.” They have also not learned, nor understood, that they cannot do this without understanding about their own human spirit and how that looks with drawing close to God’s Spirit. It is not about religion.

What would this look like? It would look like a man who knows God’s heart in a way that he wants to imitate Jesus a.k.a. be Christ-like. He will learn how to tap into the emotions God gives him allowing him to become relational, not only logical. He will see the value of the gift God gave him, his wife, living with her in an understanding way (1 Peter 3:7).

It is our desire to reach as many men as possible and allow them to attend the online 2-year school called Christ Quest Institute. It includes viewing the Discovery Seminar, 63 Lessons which include a Scriptural Study and Study Notes. The students also participate in Fellow Warriors, an exclusive online meeting through Zoom, where they discuss the lessons, ask questions, and have accountability for projects given to help build the principles being taught. Also available are: one-on-one counseling/discipleship, DVDs, books, and workbooks.

You can help create change and make a difference for so many families. Your donation will provide resources to reach these men and let the world see a relationship that shines like Christ rather than tolerating each other. Let’s offer a place for men to come and learn what God desires of them, giving them the confidence to lead in a Christ-like way.

*Christ Quest Ministries a registered 508 (c) 1 (a) Ministry.