Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness (Volume 5)


Volume 5 of the book, Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness is now available. It’s been ten years in the making—since the concept was conceived.

My spirit rejoices with God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus, the Christ, if you’ve read the preceding four books available through the Christ Quest Institute. They will have introduced you to a great deal more than merely the earthly realm. And here’s what creates all that rejoicing: The reader will have been introduced to and become aware of, and familiar with, the realm where the human spirit is primarily designed to reside and operate—the spiritual realm where God exists. That capacity will accomplish spirit-to-spirit relationships between a husband and wife. And that is God’s purpose for marriage, to build that capacity.

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Weight 30 oz
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 1 in