Concept Review | Training The Human Spirit

“Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep” Romans 12:15 Talk about fulfillment! This one lone verse is replete with it. As the twelfth chapter in Romans begins, we are informed of the high standards God holds forth. It’s a challenge for those who represent God. And, since they have accepted Christ as their personal Savior, they […]

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Words of Encouragement | The Mug

It was my husband’s birthday this month. I decided to get him something from the heart for his gift; so I chose to go to the paint your own pottery shop here in town. Searching through the options on the shelves, I selected a coffee mug. He loves coffee so this would be perfect! Now, I needed to make a […]

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Daily Devotional | A Magnifying Glass

Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself, “Man, how can they not see how they act?” Their bad behavior seems to blatantly glare for all to see; except they seem blind to it. I have. In fact, sometimes I don’t even want to be around that person. Usually I think to myself, “I sure wish someone who is […]

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Concept Review | How To Be Become Irresistible To Your Wife

Understand, Lead and Love Your Wife in Such a Powerful, Christ-Like Way that You Become Irresistible to Her as You Create a Marriage of Love and Peace by Ken Nair “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favour of the Lord.” Proverb 18:22 There are two words in this Scripture that today, in our modern society, tend […]

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Words Of Encouragement | Live With Intention

Lately I have really been meditating on intentional living. So many of us have ideas and thoughts concerning our walk with God, the relationships in our lives and the activities that we would like to do. Yet, we don’t live with intention. My encouragement in this article, will be to get you thinking about your purpose, your goals, and then […]

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Daily Devotional | Intentional Living

Lately I have really been meditating on intentional living. So many of us have ideas and thoughts concerning our walk with God, the relationships in our lives and the activities that we would like to do. Yet, we don’t live with intention. My encouragement in this article, will be to get you thinking about your purpose, your goals, and then […]

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Words of Encouragement | Looking Deeper

Years ago, we dug a well. The people we hired came out and set up their equipment and began to drill. They had to go through feet of shale, which is a very hard rock. About 700 feet later, they finally hit water! Do you ever have days of feeling like you are “digging through feet of shale”? Life can […]

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