Unfamiliar, Yet Unquestionable Spiritual Truth

Over the past fifty years I’ve asked thousands of Christian men, “Do you understand the mind of a woman?” Their answers have always been, casually, or emphatically, “No.” So, I’ve explained to them that they could go anywhere in the world and get that same answer. Some of those men have decided that they would validate whether or not that […]

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Marriage Battles: Talking On The Phone

Ken and Nancy Nair discuss a common problem in marriage: talking on the phone. Men sometimes don’t understand why women talk on the phone with their friends so much. Here Ken addresses how to handle this problem when it comes up in your marriage.

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The Importance of a Bible Study in a Relationship

I’m going to make this presentation center upon the basic format of relationships―that of course would be a marriage and the family. Most Bible studies, typically, even in the family setting, is focused on conveying theological doctrine. However, I believe, that focus falls far short of God’s purpose for Bible studies. Yes, absolutely, understanding what the Bible has to say […]

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The Importance of Communication in a Relationship

I’m not talking about simply exchanging words. Yes, I know there are people who don’t talk at all and some who never stop talking. But there are two levels wherein human being are supposed to utilize communication: They are,  employing the mind and employing the human spirit. To prove how uncommon it is to employ the human spirit when it […]

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