CQM Blog: Concepts That Build Christ-Likeness

Tools for those in serious pursuit

Daily Devotional | King David’s Quest of an Enlarged Heart

ewewPsalm 119; what an amazing chapter! There is so much meat in it with opportunity for many different messages. I am going to only cover a few verses in this devotional.

Psalm 119: 30-32 The way of faithfulness I have chosen, Thy judgments I have compared, I have adhered to Thy testimonies, O Jehovah, put me not to shame. The way of Thy commands I run, for Thou dost enlarge my heart!

First, let’s look at a few words:
• Faithfulness (truth KJV): (emunah) firmness, security, fidelity (Firm adherence to a person or party with which one is united, or to which one is bound; loyalty)
• Chosen: (bachar)to try; select –acceptable, choose, excellent, join, require
• Judgements: (mishpat) a verdict, pronounced judicially especially a sentence or formal decree; divine law, individual or collect including the act, the place, the suit, the crime and the penalty
• Compared (laid before me KJV): (shavah) to level, equalize, resemble, adjust
• Adhere: (dabaq) to impinge, cling, to catch by pursuit, to be joined together
• Testimonies: (eduwth) testimony, witness, a recorder (witness)
• Enlarge: (rachab) to broaden, (make) large, make room, make (open) wide

I see a man crying out to God to open his heart with Him. He is showing his quest to God. His words are knitted together revealing that he has a firm loyalty; enabling him to select and even require of himself excellence in that loyalty. He has envisioned the law’s requirements and the sentence or penalty for the way he lives his life. Looking, even weighing them; using a level to see the penalties attached to each. Then, observing and adjusting the results of each decision. David’s actions include clinging and wanting to be joined to The Witness, Jehovah. And what is his desire? He runs toward the goal of a wide open, broadened, large heart; making enough room to hold all that God has for him.

Wow! This is a great definition of a quest. There is so much self-action in these verses. Do you ever read in any of David’s writings of how he longs or wishes for his wife (wives) to “get her act together” before he works on his quest? Oh that all men who love God would desire to see all that God has for him. David isn’t making excuses or waiting for someone else to show him what to do. He himself is doing the weighing and adjusting. The benefit is clear to him of living a life that is measured and compared to Jesus. How much then could the man who has chosen to live firmly bonded to Jesus give to his wife, family and all that know him.