The Choice to Change Your Attitude

Have you ever observed a person who is caught up in a negative or stressful situation and allows the enemy to completely navigate them into the pit deeper and deeper? We experienced such an incident recently. We had a guest who expected help from us. We had no idea of what that expectation fully was. There was a lack of […]

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Concept Review | How To Be Become Irresistible To Your Wife

Understand, Lead and Love Your Wife in Such a Powerful, Christ-Like Way that You Become Irresistible to Her as You Create a Marriage of Love and Peace by Ken Nair “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favour of the Lord.” Proverb 18:22 There are two words in this Scripture that today, in our modern society, tend […]

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Daily Devotional | Jesus as a Young Boy

Reading the Old Testament many times over the years is something I have loved to do. It is where I find myself going when I want to really feel close to God and see what He is wanting of me. Sometime back, I shared that we were in Munds Park and Ken was writing in his book and I was […]

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Daily Devotional | Walking Daily with Christ

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” God loved me so much He gave His Son’s life for me; I should keep that in mind and let my sin deeply trouble me. Some people don’t like feeling troubled though. May […]

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Relationship Help | How to Deal with Misery

It is really hard to be encouraged when all around you is misery. There are many ways you can be miserable. 1. Health. 2. Turmoil in your marriage. 3. Children out of control. 4. No money because you have no job to bring in income. 5. You may have lost a son or daughter.

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