CQM Blog: Concepts That Build Christ-Likeness

Tools for those in serious pursuit

Words of Encouragement | A Marriage Transformed

PH01933JTom and I just came back from Ken Nair’s conference. We had a wonderful weekend and were richly blessed. Ken Nair’s wife shared her testimony at the seminar. The impact from his wife sharing was amazing. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the audience. I think the men got to enter into the pain a wife experiences in a new light. They have been married since 1959. Christ-likeness started taking place in 1970. It was sad to think of all the grief in the years before.

We have been married for 30 years this April. It is a new beginning since Tom came clean last April. It is the 1st year that I feel our marriage is becoming Christ-like. I finally feel loved and cherished by my husband. Sometimes it makes me sad to think we will probably have less time together with Christ-likeness in our marriage than all the years passed. We highly recommend the book Discovering the Mind of a Woman and the Discovery Seminar.

Tom has read the book Discovering the Mind of a Woman by Ken Nair 4 times. This is the third time we have attend the Discovery Seminar. We experience new blessings every time. There are things in the conference that are not in the book. I can’t put in words what can be experienced by attending the conference. We learned what the meaning of “spiritual leader” really means.

I think every married couple should attend this conference and read the books. We must attend with a willingness to do whatever it takes. For 29 years of our marriage my husband was not the spiritual leader of our home. My husband is a changed man and he is now a true spiritual leader.

I praise God for what God has done with our marriage. I long to be with my husband and feel like a new bride. I feel protected, loved, cherished and valued by my husband. I never dreamed that marriage could be so fulfilling. I love my husband more now than I thought possible. I am so thankful to God for his goodness to me. I am thankful for a husband that chose to do whatever it would take to restore our marriage. He has chosen to love me as Christ loved me and lay down his life for me. I have never felt so loved and cared for as I do now. This is only a little of a picture of what you can experience in your marriage as a husband loves his wife as Christ loved the church.
I just praise God!