CQM Blog: Concepts That Build Christ-Likeness

Tools for those in serious pursuit

Words of Encouragement | God Uses a Puzzle in a Man’s Life




One of our CQI students (a husband and wife), seeing this posting about puzzles, decided that they would also put together a puzzle. After they had been working on it for some time, his wife was looking for a particular piece. It seemed easy to find because of its distinguished markings with colors. The husband, after carefully looking at each piece three times, authoritatively announced that it was missing. Shortly thereafter, his wife picked it up and placed it in its spot. In disbelief he asked, “Where did you find that?!?” She pointed to a spot right in front of him. Which made him reflect, “Hmmm, how many times have I sought to “fix” one of our relationship problems and couldn’t find the solution. And it ended up that the answer was right in front of me! My wife! She had the exact “piece” that I needed to put in place and when I listened, understood and applied her suggestion, it worked!” He stood in admiration at how God provided him with this learning opportunity through a puzzle!