CQM Blog: Concepts That Build Christ-Likeness

Tools for those in serious pursuit

Daily Devotional | Create a Hunger in Me

bioYou, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. Ps. 63:1

We grow up thinking things will be so much better when we are adults. Yet, often, we bring into our adulthood our very selfish, childlike way of seeking for ourselves. Life stinks sometimes, but that is when we have the choice to either be miserable in it or to learn from it.

In the verse above, we see that David is in a dry, parched land where there is no water. No matter what the circumstance is, we have a choice to wallow and be hopeless or we lift up our head and seek God.

The verse mentions with “my whole being” longing for God. In my experience, I find myself longing for God in that desperate way when I am in those stinky life situations; in those dry and parched lands. God allows everyday situations to draw me to Him to teach me everyday solutions to be more and more like Him. He knows my flesh. He knows that I naturally lean on my own understanding.

David shares in Psalm 42 that his soul pants for God, his soul thirst for God. He mentions in verse 4 how he is pouring out his soul to God. He is speaking spirit to spirit with God. He continues as he shares how his soul is downcast, how he feels forgotten, mourning, suffering, taunted, and yet hopeful and praise. Talk about a host of emotions! He is talking to God about an event, then sharing his emotions and seeking God for what He wants David to learn.