CQM Blog: Concepts That Build Christ-Likeness

Tools for those in serious pursuit

Daily Devotional | God Rewards Those Who Seek His Kingdom

Untitled-1In 2 Samuel, we see King David’s life coming to an end. The story begins in 1 Samuel where God shares with King Saul that his reign of being king will end as He has found a man after His own heart to replace him.

What happened between 1 & 2 Samuel is where we find the choice of whether we will choose to continue to be a person after God’s own heart or if we will decide to follow our own hearts.

David did stray into that decision to follow his own heart. He made choices, like each one of us, that broke God’s heart. But what he did do is something that God desires each one of us to do. That “something” is repentance. Turn your Bible to Psalm 51 and read the words from David after the prophet Nathan confronts him. He had the choice of whether to defend himself and to even deny his sin or confess. He made the right choice and asked God to create in him a clean heart.

Temptation came his way. The temptation was not the sin; the entertaining and acting on the temptation is the sin. So often we are tempted to fall to our flesh. We need to understand the Spirit of God so we can see His red flags. Once you understand the promptings of the Spirit, you will know God’s heart more and more.

David was heartbroken when Nathan confronted him. His flesh had led him astray. He had gotten comfortable and let his guard down. Deuteronomy 8:10-11 When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day.

A good example of contrast is Joseph. He also was tempted by Potiphar’s wife just as David was tempted by Bathsheba. At first glance it looks as though Joseph’s decision to flee his temptation landed him in a doomed situation. One would think that his decision cost him greatly, but in the end it proved to be a blessing. He gains authority and power when eventually he becomes second in command over all of Egypt. When we look at David compared to Joseph, it looks as though at first David is the one who is blessed after his falling to temptation. Yet as we look over his life, it is plagued with problems due to his lack of standing up for righteousness when he chose to sin after temptation knocked at his door. With so many wives and their children he pays dearly. Temptation comes in all different kind of packages. Satan will always try to make you think your flesh will win. But he is a liar; you will lose and it will cost you.