CQM Blog: Concepts That Build Christ-Likeness

Tools for those in serious pursuit

Daily Devotional | Keep Your Quite Time With God Purposeful and Productive

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

The question here is how do you come to God? People go to God in many different ways. We listen to this idea and that idea; then try to implement all of them in to our quiet time. This only wears us out and we eventually quit. Let me suggest you find what works best for you. Here is a list of several ideas. Try and see what you can put together to bring your heart to a place of rest, encouragement, repentance, and/or worship. There are times that what worked one year may not work for you the next. Feel free to always switch things up to keep your quiet time with God purposeful and productive. It needs to be a real time between you and God.

· Find your own place. (Your bed, a chair, the kitchen table, outside, your closet…)

· Read a devotional or two

· Read your Bible

· Journal:
1. Write each day’s events (include how God used you and/or showed you something)
2. Write attributes of who God is (He is your Rock, Redeemer, All-Knowing, Powerful, Merciful, Love, Just…)
3. Write down blessings that you see God giving you each day
4. Write confessions
5. Write what you are thankful for
6. Write down requests
7. Write what you learned in your Bible reading and devotional if you read from one

· Spend time praying
1. For yourself
2. For family
3. For friends
4. From a list
5. For what you are thankful for
6. Repentance
7. Quoting scripture

One day you might wake up and before you get out of bed, pray about things you are thankful for. Then you may go to your comfy chair and read your Bible. Another day, you may have hours to digest God’s word, read a devotional and journal. If you have busy days, don’t feel guilty you can’t do on that day what you can do on a day you have more time. The idea is to make a daily habit of meeting with God. He loves spending time with you. He knows this world we live in and is aware that we need to daily come to Him to get rest and encouragement.