CQM Blog: Concepts That Build Christ-Likeness

Tools for those in serious pursuit

Relationship Help | Learn how to Cope with Unexpected Life Changes

Do you know that I am dying? Does anyone care?? by Nancy Nair

I get up in the morning and know that today is going to be the same as yesterday. There are many people who know me…I have a very nice home, beautiful clothes, a husband who takes very good care of me financially and children who seem to love me. Our bills are paid and we have plenty of food for us to stay healthy.  

“The children are playing with either each other or with friends. My husband is off to work and when he comes home he just wants to relax on the couch and watch his favorite programs. I think to myself, I looked so forward to being married. I guess I had a completely different picture of what it would be like to have a husband and children. Never did I think that I would be all alone with all my family in the same house. It’s like I want to lie down in the middle of the floor and act like I am dying to see if anyone of them would stop and touch me, or would they just step over me, not thinking that I need them. I have asked many times if maybe they would like to do something with me and it seems they are always busy.  I have asked my husband if we could go for help but because he is happy with the way things are; I guess I need to be also. Really, all he needs is a wife to enjoy sex with and to fix him his dinner. All the children need from me is to make sure they have food, clothes and to take them places.”

Who is there for me? How can I go on living like this? My spirit is calling out for help. Am I the only one that feels like this? Can someone answer my plea? I have called out to God and I don’t seem to hear Him.

Can identify with this? Does all around you look bleak? Do you need someone to talk with; someone who will listen to you and walk you through this time, without taking up an offense to anyone in your family? I want you to know that is what I would like to do for you. There are answers to all of your questions. I want you to know that you are NOT alone.