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    Devotions for those in a serious pursuit of how to apply scripture. “My desire is that this devotional will offer insight that will enable the reader to break down more verses for their own personal use” Ken Nair




    This book is about defeating the power of Satan and his influence in the lives of unsuspecting Christian men; helping them surrender to God; illustrating Christ in their daily lives for their families and others to see. Most men have reported that this book was as helpful to them as was Discovering the Mind of a Woman.

    This book should serve two purposes:

    1. To reveal for a wife the true nature of a man’s heart, and

    2. To give wives a format wherein they can start fulfilling their role as a helpmeet, through honest evaluation of their own hearts, as well as their husband’s hearts.

    Please know, the purpose of this book is not to try to draw attention to the nature of a man’s physical conduct, but rather, to the nature of his spiritual conduct. This is the area where men are found to be most wanting!





    The key to becoming a strong and irresistible husband is… about husbands learning to understand their wives as the Christ would, then responding to their wives in a consistently Christ-like manner. The result? Radically transformed and renewed marriage relationships.




    Get our *BEST SELLER* on audio book!

    The key to becoming a strong and irresistible husband is… about husbands learning to understand their wives as the Christ would, then responding to their wives in a consistently Christ-like manner. The result? Radically transformed and renewed marriage relationships.




    Before a man can become Christ-like he must discover every facet of his flesh (un-Christ-likeness) in order to put his flesh to death. He can use his marriage as a major resource to uncover problem areas; making it a positive to discover the negatives; finding answers to the problems that hinder a quest to illustrate the Christ.


  • Discovering the Narrow Gate


    Ken Nair decided that putting the Discovery Seminar into book form, he could expound on areas that he didn’t have time to share. Ken has set it up as a workbook that can be studied with the option to write notes into. The book is full of information to help understand the message of the concepts designed by Ken Nair, challenging men to become Christ-like spiritual leaders in their home. As well as requiring an intense commitment to God, wherein a man must determine that he will acquire the understanding necessary to become more and more Christ-like!

    This book will serve as a substitute to the Discovery Seminar to meet the pre-requisite class for the Christ Quest Institute. Ken prays that this book will help others see the value of learning what a Spiritual leader is and why it is so important to know God plan for a man. It also can be used as a home-school curriculum to help your children to learn God’s plan for their lives.


  • Discovery Seminar DVD – Couple’s Kit


    Includes: Two copies of the Seminar Workbook

    Discover the mind of a woman and the heart of a man so you can achieve true Christ-likeness in your home and experience the marriage God intends.

    Husbands and wives who have a relatively good marriage and want to strengthen it, and it is for those whose marriages are hanging by a thread. In addition, couples planning on getting married will gain incredible insights for having a successful relationship. The Discovery Seminar is sure to have a dynamic and positive impact on any significant male-female relationship.

    Men, learn how to walk the path God intended as the spiritual leader of your household. Women, learn how to be the helpmeet your men need to be successful leaders. And for the first time ever, do it all in a setting that feels like a true couples retreat.

    Whether you wish to strengthen a good marriage or repair a damaged one, the Christ Quest Ministries Discovery Seminar is for you. Not married yet? Engaged couples will receive incredible insights for building a successful relationship. The Discovery Seminar is sure to have a dynamic and positive impact on any significant male-female relationship.

    In this 11-hour, live, multi-media and interactive presentation you will be challenged to…
    – Discover many misconceptions about communication and how to use more than words to communicate with one another
    – Discover how lasting change can happen
    – Discover what true spiritual leadership looks like
    – Discover the real and honored role of a wife as a helpmeet means
    – Discover the new hope that thousands of others have experienced
    – Discover practical tools for building a healthy marriage and family


  • Discovery Seminar DVD – Group Kit

    Included in kit:
    The Discovery Seminar DVDs
    40 x Discovery Seminar Notebooks
    1 x Discovering the Mind of a Woman Study Guide
    1 x Measuring Personal Spiritual Maturity DVD
    1 x Have You Discovered the Benefits of Anger DVD
    *These extra materials will help you have the opportunity to start a small or large study group.


  • Discovery Seminar Online Rental


    Discover the mind of a woman and the heart of a man so you can achieve true Christ-likeness in your home and experience the marriage God intends.

    Husbands and wives who have a relatively good marriage and want to strengthen it, and it is for those whose marriages are hanging by a thread. In addition, couples planning on getting married will gain incredible insights for having a successful relationship. The Discovery Seminar is sure to have a dynamic and positive impact on any significant male-female relationship.

    Men, learn how to walk the path God intended as the spiritual leader of your household. Women, learn how to be the helpmeet your men need to be successful leaders. And for the first time ever, do it all in a setting that feels like a true couples retreat.

    Whether you wish to strengthen a good marriage or repair a damaged one, the Christ Quest Ministries Discovery Seminar is for you. Not married yet? Engaged couples will receive incredible insights for building a successful relationship. The Discovery Seminar is sure to have a dynamic and positive impact on any significant male-female relationship.

    In this 11-hour, live, multi-media and interactive presentation you will be challenged to…
    – Discover many misconceptions about communication and how to use more than words to communicate with one another
    – Discover how lasting change can happen
    – Discover what true spiritual leadership looks like
    – Discover the real and honored role of a wife as a helpmeet means
    – Discover the new hope that thousands of others have experienced
    – Discover practical tools for building a healthy marriage and family

  • Discovery Seminar Workbook


    This is for those who would like to have extra copies of the Discovery Seminar workbook. Please contact the office at 602-485-5115 if you would like a hard copy for $11 mailed to you instead.


  • Donation Monthly

    Suggested donation: $15.00 / month
  • Donation One-Time

    Suggested donation: $15.00


  • Emotional Divorce DVD


    The primary purpose of this learning course is to shine a light on an obscure subject that involves far too many unsuspecting marriage relationships.  I am calling this subject, “EMOTIONAL DIVORCE.”


  • Emotional Divorce Online Learning Course


    The primary purpose of this learning course is to shine a light on an obscure subject that involves far too many unsuspecting marriage relationships.  I am calling this subject, “EMOTIONAL DIVORCE.”

  • Have you Discovered the Benefits of Anger? (DVD)


    God is the only Creator. He has purpose in everything. Shouldn’t you discover His purpose for anger? And what is the benefit of anger? It is the Holy Spirit directing me to discover something I don’t understand. It’s God’s way of prompting me to search for that understanding.


  • I’m Finally Free To Be Me


    Two young kids, in love, head over heels, spending every moment together till they weren’t…

    Nancy came from a healthy home with siblings and parents who were together for life while Ken came from an unhealthy broken home and grew up in orphanages. Ken’s lack of family, lonely upbringing and total ignorance of how to understand a woman led to countless struggles for him and Nancy to deal with. It wasn’t until they began their own family where Nancy decided no more.

    Upon this decision, coupled with God convicting Ken and his failures, their journey turned a corner… slowly but surely, God was guiding them towards understanding their marital roles. As they both worked hard at becoming who God wanted them to be, their lives and the lives of those around them began to benefit from the renewing of their minds and hearts.

    This is a true story that begins in sorrow but has a happy ending that you won’t want to miss hearing. With God, nothing’s impossible!


  • Measuring Spiritual Maturity (DVD)


    As a Christian, why should you wonder what your level of spiritual maturity is? Discover a new, clearly understandable means of knowing for sure, while also increasing your potential growth.

    Watch an excerpt from this video here



  • Spiritual DNA Online Learning Course


    It is a fact that God has made us unalike. Yet, we seem to expect everyone to think and act as we do. This usually causes hurt feelings that go uncared for. Wouldn’t it be great if we had been taught to understand God’s design about motivational gifts as we grew up? Consider the value of learning about motivational spiritual gifts. Purchase the new CQM Spiritual DNA learning course to gain understanding of each spiritual gift.

  • Spiritual Seeds That Reap Christ-Likeness (Volume 1)


    Finally! Manuals For Mastering the Righteous Christian Life; With Specific Directions to Literally Become a Living Example of the Christ! This is the first of the six-part series titled, Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness.

    Each man, upon reading this has realized that it contains previously unheard-of biblical principles and presents answers for whereby a man will literally become a moment-by-moment examples of Jesus, the Christ. That then, allows a man to master life in the area of relationships. Those answers have proven absolutely successful for all who have applied them. Why? Because they’re God’s ways.

    Some of the topics are:
    – Five concepts that avoid conflicts.
    – How to develop a spiritual mind-set.
    – Discover your God-given spiritual gift and how it predicts who you are and how you will respond or react to life.
    – What is involved in honoring your spirit (your inner person) and care for it as God requires.
    – Evaluate the degree that you are exhibiting the Fruit of the Spirit.
    – Learn of the value God places on every one of the emotions He created.
    – How to solve every marital problem with God’s ways found in this six-series.

    All those topics and many more are clearly, biblically defined. With multiple, glowing testimonies from those whom God is still blessing since they have applied each of the biblical subjects presented herein, and many more contained in this volume.


  • Spiritual Seeds That Reap Christ-likeness (Volume 2)


    This Volume Two of the six-part series named Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness offers lasting applicable answers to life. This series is proven to work for all those willing to apply the principles to reap the blessings found in God’s Word — from which these concepts are derived.

    Some of the topics are:
    Four Steps, or “Soil Conditions,” Which Allow God’s Spirit to Take Root in and Lead My Spirit.
    Finally answers to, What is Genuine Spirituality?
    Showing how is it possible to become, Alert to the Spirit of Another?

    All those topics and many more are clearly answered, biblically. With multiple, glowing testimonies from those whom God is still blessing since they have applied each of the biblical subjects presented herein, and many more contained in this volume.


  • Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness (Volume 3)


    Here’s Volume Three, of the six-part series named Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness. Again, more of God’s answers for mastering life are being offered.

    Every Christian needs solutions to life’s difficulties. Those solutions are found within this series that have proven to work for all who have applied them—along with the blessings found in God’s Word— from which these answers are derived.

    Some of the topics are:
    Learning to Find the Good in All that God does. Even those things we may have labeled as bad, wrong, or even ungodly.
    Learning to see the character and nature of God in His design for men and women.
    God’s purpose in creating women.
    God’s purpose in creating men.

    Those topics and many more are clearly presented. With multiple, glowing testimonies from those whom God is still blessing since they have applied each of the biblical subjects presented herein.


  • Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness (Volume 4)


    Available Now

    It took a year, but along with volumes I through III, of the six-part series of Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness, volume IV is completed and available. Thank you for your patience.

    Some of the contents cover subjects like:

    • Recognizing that Trials are Designed by God to Build Maturity in the Human Spirit.
    • Learning to Enhance the Scope of Biblical Application.
    • Apprehending God‘s Objective in all of Life’s Events.
    • Building Our Ability to Care for Another’s Spirit.

    I pray they are as much of a blessing to you as you read them as they have been to me to write them.


  • Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness (Volume 5)


    Volume 5 of the book, Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness is now available. It’s been ten years in the making—since the concept was conceived.

    My spirit rejoices with God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus, the Christ, if you’ve read the preceding four books available through the Christ Quest Institute. They will have introduced you to a great deal more than merely the earthly realm. And here’s what creates all that rejoicing: The reader will have been introduced to and become aware of, and familiar with, the realm where the human spirit is primarily designed to reside and operate—the spiritual realm where God exists. That capacity will accomplish spirit-to-spirit relationships between a husband and wife. And that is God’s purpose for marriage, to build that capacity.


  • Spiritual Seeds that Reap Christ-likeness (Volume 6)


    In 1959 God started me on a journey, I got married. Since I was raised in orphanages I didn’t know what a husband or a wife were, what a father or mother were, nor what a family was. I wanted a successful marriage and thought the only requirement for that was to get a wife. Thirteen years later my wife Nancy was done with me.
    God’s journey included me learning how to repair and build the marriage that He wants for me and every Christian. Sixty-three years later, this book is Volume VI of the six-part series that is the last of a ten books that’s taken twenty-one years to write.

    It starts off with the question, Am I Loving? Then proceeds with a three-part series addressing, Three Vital Aspects of Spiritual Communication. Who would have thought that God would use a man learning how to communicate with his wife spirit-to-spirit as practice for communicating with God (Who is Spirit) Spirit-to-spirit? Followed by a two-part series that teaches a husband how to be a living illustration of Jesus, the Christ to his wife as he exercises God’s Authority so that his wife and children feel like they are having an encounter with Jesus. Concluding with a three-part series on how to accomplish Genuine Oneness in every aspect of a marriage.
    Although the book writing is completed, I’m still committed to every encounter that Nancy has with me, is to her, as though it were an encounter with Jesus, the Son of God, the Christ.


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