Car Illustration for Anger by Ken Nair
Concept Review | Galatians 5:24 Word Study by Ken Nair
October 25, 2010
“And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh.” (Galatians 5:24) Crucifying the flesh, that which is more commonly known as dying to self, is a phrase often spoken by Christians with great enthusiasm. It is a powerful Christian doctrine. It offers inner peace in exchange for the frustration we experience when we have yielded to the desires of our […]
Marriage | Understanding and Encouragement in Relationships
August 16, 2010
While reading my Bible, I find many verses that inspire, motivate and give me strength. Right now, I love what Philippians 2:1-16 says to me. You probably have your own verses that give you strength as you read them each day.
Relationship Help | How to Share Truth in Your Relationship
July 30, 2010
“I can’t do that to her anymore… I need to understand why I don’t want to spend that time with her”.