How to Implement Christ-likeness Into Your Marriage

Five Challenging Concepts by Ken Nair These concepts are designed to challenge men to become Christ-like spiritual leaders in their home. They will also require an intense commitment to God, wherein a man must determine that he will acquire the understanding necessary to become more and more Christ-like! God wants every man to discover if he will accept this kind of […]

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Family Time and Thanksgiving

Thinking about all the fun times we had as children meeting wit our Grandparents and our Uncles and Aunts and their children during Thanksgiving. My Aunt would play the piano and all of u kids would stand around and sing while she played. Such wonderful times! All over the United States families are getting ready to be wit each other. […]

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Make Spiritual Application a Priority

Ken Nair breaks down Luke 4:18 into a Biblical Study for you to better understand. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty […]

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The Power of a Man

Men. Did you know that you have an abundant amount of power? You have the power to destroy or the power to build up and lead. What will you choose? I often hear men say something along the lines of “I try to make her happy…”. It makes me cringe. While I love when my husband makes me happy, I […]

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The Choice to Change Your Attitude

Have you ever observed a person who is caught up in a negative or stressful situation and allows the enemy to completely navigate them into the pit deeper and deeper? We experienced such an incident recently. We had a guest who expected help from us. We had no idea of what that expectation fully was. There was a lack of […]

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