CQM Blog: Concepts That Build Christ-Likeness

Tools for those in serious pursuit

Relationship Help | Growing in the likeness of Christ

Transform Your Life by Nancy Nair

It seems like as I grow older, what I thought was so important has changed. I realize that when I began this journey with the Lord I had no idea that there was more to it than just asking the Lord into my life. I realized now that I needed to make a complete change in the things that were a normal part of my life. Did I know what all of those changes would need to be as I began to walk closer to the Lord? No, not really, I didn’t realize until I started reading God’s Word. Not only reading His word but really understanding what His ways were.

In one of my As a Wife newsletters I spoke about when I spent that time in Munds Park sitting outside on the porch while it was raining, underlining all the words that God spoke? That had to be one of the highlights of my life. I don’t think that I have been the same since. It was such a wonderful time with Him.

I have been a Christian since I was 22. But I have always loved the Lord, even when I was a little girl. Since I became a Christian I have read God’s word. But this time, as I was reading it was different. It was like God became alive in my life. I felt in my heart that it was a new beginning for me to get to know God better. Now when I read His words things just keep popping out at me saying this is what I want you to do. It puzzles me when I think about how it took so long before I realized that He needed to be my all. I am excited about this journey, because Ken also has the same want in his life. That makes it much easier as I simply join him in turning my life over to the Lord.

I think what is exciting to me today is that God’s Word is opening up to me more and more; so I can’t wait to learn more and more. Now I want to add to my Christianity. I want as much of God in me as He planned for me, since I was born.

I wish that I wouldn’t have wasted all those years just making it through life as a nice person. I no longer want that, I want to build on my Christianity. I want to be someone who God can use in a mighty way because He sees me learning His ways and wanting more.