The Importance of a Bible Study in a Relationship
I’m going to make this presentation center upon the basic format of relationships―that of course would be a marriage and the family. Most Bible studies, typically, even in the family setting, is focused on conveying theological doctrine. However, I believe, that focus falls far short of God’s purpose for Bible studies. Yes, absolutely, understanding what the Bible has to say […]
Family Time and Thanksgiving
Thinking about all the fun times we had as children meeting wit our Grandparents and our Uncles and Aunts and their children during Thanksgiving. My Aunt would play the piano and all of u kids would stand around and sing while she played. Such wonderful times! All over the United States families are getting ready to be wit each other. […]
Verses God Used to Encouraged his Wife
This is the testimony of a husband who received some devastating news about his wife that took place years ago. This is the correspondence that took place between him, his wife, and myself. These two are also students of the Christ Quest Ministries. Let’s begin with the husband speaking: “Ken, the emotions and pain are almost unbearable. I am asking […]
The Breaking Point
God’s creation can teach us many lessons. I have always enjoyed reading the teachings that Jesus left us from parables; real life experiences to teach real life lessons. I had a revelation from a spring storm that came through our town. We went to bed one night and woke up to a disaster all over the town. You would have […]
How Important is Quality Time in Your Relationship?
Spending time together is very important and valuable. It is also very important to consider how the other person you are wanting to spend time with feels about what you have set aside for them. Do they feel you really understand how important their time is with you? When Ken asks me to spend time with him I feel very […]
Relationship Help | Share Even the Little Things
I have been going through the closets, office, laundry room and various storage areas; deep cleaning each one. One thing I have found is there is always stuff that you just are not sure what to do with. I have a table top full of those kinds of things. I came across a box labeled “go through”. It is a […]