Words of Encouragement | A Marriage Testimony of Hope

We would like to share a testimony from 4/3/88 written by a wife who thought there was no hope in their marriage. Hopefully this can be an encouragement to those whose marriage might be “hanging on by a thin branch” as well. Dear Ken and Nancy, How do you adequately tell someone thank you for offering you a hand when […]

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Relationship Help | Share Even the Little Things

I have been going through the closets, office, laundry room and various storage areas; deep cleaning each one. One thing I have found is there is always stuff that you just are not sure what to do with. I have a table top full of those kinds of things. I came across a box labeled “go through”. It is a […]

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Words of Encouragement | A Marriage Transformed

Tom and I just came back from Ken Nair’s conference. We had a wonderful weekend and were richly blessed. Ken Nair’s wife shared her testimony at the seminar. The impact from his wife sharing was amazing. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the audience. I think the men got to enter into the pain a wife experiences […]

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Relationship Help | Differences Between Men and Women

The Story of Roger and Elaine by Dave Barry Let’s say a guy named Roger is attracted to a woman named Elaine. He asks her out to a movie. She accepts. They have a pretty good time. A few nights later he asks her out to dinner, and again they enjoy themselves. They continue to see each other regularly, and […]

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Relationship Help | Q&A Discipleship Reflections from Ken Nair

Good morning Ken, Question: I’m really having a tough time internally these past few days. I’m in a very lonely place internally. I am wrestling with fear, anxiety, restlessness, tiredness, body aches that I’ve never had before and uncertainty. Answer: I’m going to approach this in a constructive way so it might not seem as sympathetic as possible. You are […]

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