The Secret to Successfully Conducting a Family by Nancy Nair As I ponder all that is happening around the world it makes me think about all the bad times when I was a little girl in the 40’s. Even though the world was in chaos; as I look back, I can remember our family being strong together. Even though we […]
Relationship Help | Struggling With Financial Difficulties
Find Freedom From Debt by Nancy Nair Do you ever feel like that hamster on a wheel just running around in circles? Every day, wake up, have breakfast, read your Bible and spend some time with God, rush off to work or work around the house. Maybe have lunch with a friend, head back to do more work. Make dinner, […]
Marriage | Inceasing Conversation in Your Relationship
Words of Encourgement by Nancy Nair Have you ever been sitting with your husband and looking around you see another couple and they haven’t said one word to each other? Why is that, do they not know each other anymore? Have they lost the ability to play and laugh together like they did when they were young? I believe that […]
Relationship Help | Learn how to Cope with Unexpected Life Changes
Do you know that I am dying? Does anyone care?? by Nancy Nair I get up in the morning and know that today is going to be the same as yesterday. There are many people who know me…I have a very nice home, beautiful clothes, a husband who takes very good care of me financially and children who seem to […]
Daily Devotional | Benefits of Knowing Your Spiritual Motivational Gifts
I (Nancy Nair) am reading Romans 12:6-8. Wow — if we could do this, our world would be so different! We all have different motivational gifts, according to God’s grace. If a person’s gift is prophesying, let him/her use it in proportion to his/her faith. (7) If it is serving, let him/her serve; if it is teaching, let him/her teach; (8) […]
Daily Devotional | 1 Corinthians 13:4-8b Love Never Fails Devotion
1 Corinthians 13:4-8b Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. LOVE […]
Relationship Help | Questions Couples Have in Their Marriage
Starring Nancy Nair and Carol Turner
Relationship Help | Improving Family Togetherness
Family Meetings by Ken Nair