Marriage | Inceasing Conversation in Your Relationship
Words of Encourgement by Nancy Nair Have you ever been sitting with your husband and looking around you see another couple and they haven’t said one word to each other? Why is that, do they not know each other anymore? Have they lost the ability to play and laugh together like they did when they were young? I believe that […]
Marriage | Letting the Holy Spirit Take Over in Your Marriage
Do you feel the man you married changed from being a man of God to a man who doesn’t have time for God? by Nancy Nair Let’s say that you met your husband at Bible School, or some sort of Christian work or simple saw him as a wonderful Christian man. He seemed, at the time, to be really in […]
Relationship Help | How Marriage Can Cause Stress
Stress and How it Affects You by Nancy Nair I looked up stress and found so much on the subject. I wish all women would go to their computer and look at all the info that is there. It is so informative that all of us can learn how damaging stress is. I pulled up just one little thing about […]
Marriage | Results of a Christ-like Spiritual Leader in a Marriage
The Effect of a Christ-Like Husband by Ken Nair and S.M. Often, as I am working with a husband whose wife has left him, maybe even involved with another man, he challenges his wife’s relationship with God. When he asks me, What about her? What is her relationship with God? Doesn’t she have to be Christ-like, too? I respond, Don’t […]
Marriage | Basketball Word Picture to Help Your Marriage
Never, ever, ever, ever… give up By Travis Turner This is my favorite quote of all time from Winston Churchill. It is said that this was the entirety of a speech given at a graduation ceremony. Whether or not this speech actually happened is irrelevant. The content is to be absorbed and used as fuel for our perseverance. Giving up […]
Marriage | When Men Think Everything is Fine… But its Not…
Marriage | Staying Brave Through the Hard Times in Marriage
Be Brave by Carol Turner Let’s start out by confessing I’d rather give birth than visit a dentist. My last dental experience involved a less than patient doctor. As he started drilling to fill a cavity, it was painfully obvious that the Novocain hadn’t worked its magic. He wasn’t very subtle in his disdain to alleviate my suffering. See that […]