Relationship Help | Looking Good on the Outside Part 2

BEING DISSATISFIED, DISILLUSIONED AND DEFEATED IN A MARRIAGE EQUALS EMOTIONAL DIVORCE by Ken Nair It is the inner person, the human spirit, who experiences dissatisfaction, disillusionment and becomes defeated.  In relationships, when the human spirit experiences those negative emotions, it will seek relief.  If a person does not understand his or her own spirit (or the spirit of another), they […]

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Relationship Help | Looking Good on the Outside

THE UNCHALLENGED ENEMY: EMOTIONAL DIVORCE by Ken Nair It has never occurred to most people to ask themselves if their marriage is suffering from Emotional Divorce.  Mostly we think there is only one kind of divorce: “legal divorce.”  That is why it’s easy for a person to think, “If I stay together in this marriage and do not go through […]

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Daily Devotional | Surviving Satan’s Temptations

James 4:4 The Message (MSG) 4-6You’re cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and His way. And do you suppose God doesn’t care? The proverb has it that “He’s a fiercely jealous lover.” And what He gives in love is far better […]

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Daily Devotional | My God is an Awesome God

How Wonderful is the Lord our God by Nancy Nair Today, I’m sitting outside on a porch in Munds Park.  The wind is moving the big pine trees around with a wonderful sound.  The birds are chirping, the chimes are each making different sounds and I am blessed by it. As I am reading my Bible more and more, I […]

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