Relationship Help | How Divorce and Separation Affects Children

Parents Putting Their Kids Under Emotional Distress by Nancy Nair I thought I would give a tidbit on my thinking of what happens to children in the home when a husband and wife are having trouble and can find no resolution. There are four options… Do nothing (grow indifferent: enduring or tolerating it.), fight all of the time or make the decision […]

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Relationship Help | How Marriage Can Cause Stress

Stress and How it Affects You by Nancy Nair I looked up stress and found so much on the subject. I wish all women would go to their computer and look at all the info that is there. It is so informative that all of us can learn how damaging stress is. I pulled up just one little thing about […]

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Relationship Help | How to Cope with the Death of a Child

…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28    “A men’s retreat I attended focused on the second part of that verse — the part about being called according to His purpose. The first part of the verse — that all things work together for good, […]

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