Relationship Help | How Divorce and Separation Affects Children

Parents Putting Their Kids Under Emotional Distress by Nancy Nair I thought I would give a tidbit on my thinking of what happens to children in the home when a husband and wife are having trouble and can find no resolution. There are four options… Do nothing (grow indifferent: enduring or tolerating it.), fight all of the time or make the decision […]

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Concept Review | Proverbs 18:22 Word Study By Ken Nair

“Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing.”  Proverbs 18:22 There are two words in this Scripture that today, in our modern society, tend to lend themselves to potential misuse. The words are “good” and “thing.” This seems then to be a passage that needs some clarification. I have heard men express gratitude toward their wives in many areas ranging […]

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