Unfamiliar, Yet Unquestionable Spiritual Truth
Over the past fifty years I’ve asked thousands of Christian men, “Do you understand the mind of a woman?” Their answers have always been, casually, or emphatically, “No.” So, I’ve explained to them that they could go anywhere in the world and get that same answer. Some of those men have decided that they would validate whether or not that […]
Marriage Battles: Talking On The Phone
Ken and Nancy Nair discuss a common problem in marriage: talking on the phone. Men sometimes don’t understand why women talk on the phone with their friends so much. Here Ken addresses how to handle this problem when it comes up in your marriage.
The Importance of Communication in a Relationship
I’m not talking about simply exchanging words. Yes, I know there are people who don’t talk at all and some who never stop talking. But there are two levels wherein human being are supposed to utilize communication: They are, employing the mind and employing the human spirit. To prove how uncommon it is to employ the human spirit when it […]
The Choice to Change Your Attitude
Have you ever observed a person who is caught up in a negative or stressful situation and allows the enemy to completely navigate them into the pit deeper and deeper? We experienced such an incident recently. We had a guest who expected help from us. We had no idea of what that expectation fully was. There was a lack of […]
Verses God Used to Encouraged his Wife
This is the testimony of a husband who received some devastating news about his wife that took place years ago. This is the correspondence that took place between him, his wife, and myself. These two are also students of the Christ Quest Ministries. Let’s begin with the husband speaking: “Ken, the emotions and pain are almost unbearable. I am asking […]
Relationship Help | Looking Good on the Outside Part 2
BEING DISSATISFIED, DISILLUSIONED AND DEFEATED IN A MARRIAGE EQUALS EMOTIONAL DIVORCE by Ken Nair It is the inner person, the human spirit, who experiences dissatisfaction, disillusionment and becomes defeated. In relationships, when the human spirit experiences those negative emotions, it will seek relief. If a person does not understand his or her own spirit (or the spirit of another), they […]
Relationship Help | Looking Good on the Outside
THE UNCHALLENGED ENEMY: EMOTIONAL DIVORCE by Ken Nair It has never occurred to most people to ask themselves if their marriage is suffering from Emotional Divorce. Mostly we think there is only one kind of divorce: “legal divorce.” That is why it’s easy for a person to think, “If I stay together in this marriage and do not go through […]