Relationship Help | How Divorce and Separation Affects Children

Parents Putting Their Kids Under Emotional Distress by Nancy Nair I thought I would give a tidbit on my thinking of what happens to children in the home when a husband and wife are having trouble and can find no resolution. There are four options… Do nothing (grow indifferent: enduring or tolerating it.), fight all of the time or make the decision […]

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Marriage | Inceasing Conversation in Your Relationship

Words of Encourgement by Nancy Nair Have you ever been sitting with your husband and looking around you see another couple and they haven’t said one word to each other? Why is that, do they not know each other anymore? Have they lost the ability to play and laugh together like they did when they were young? I believe that […]

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Marriage | God’s Helping Hand in Marriage

To Be Near Unto God by Nancy Nair God is only known when love for Him takes on a personal character; when we meet Him in the pathway of life; when He becomes a person in contrast with our own; when we enter into conscious, vital and personal relation with Him, so that He is our Father and we are […]

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